Shipping Policy
Shipping of all cannabis products will be handles by the third-party seller. We never see or handle the shipping and quality control of the sellers' products. It is the sellers and buyers' responsibility that all shipping is legal and packaged in a well manner. Breeders Gear LLC assumes no responsibility and does not advocate any illegal products. Any illegal products being sold or shipped through a third-party vendor will instantly be removed and flagged. All Shipping and return policy will be different based on the sellers shipping and return policy. We act as a third-party vendor and we are responsible for third party verifying cannabis strains and monitoring our sellers to make sure they are selling legal .3 percent THC Complient products that is Complient with the H.R.5485 - 115th Congress (2017-2018). You can view the bill here https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5485
Return & Exchange Policy
Breeders Gear LLC is not responsible for the third-party sellers Return and exchange policy. Each seller's policy will be independent, and their policy could vary from seller. It is the buyer's responsibility to read the sellers description of shipping, returns and exchanges from the seller and product the purchase off of Breedersgear.com